Viodin® -Vet 10 Solution

Povidone-Iodine USP
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Disinfect livestock and Poultry’s living environment and appliances periodic. It also can be used in disinfection of livestock and poultry’s surgical part (skin mucous, the birth canal etc), surgical instruments, hatching egg and aquaculture. It is effective especially for Aftosa virus, Newcastle diseases, Avian influenza, Mycoplasma spp., State-run Influenza virus, PCV (Porcine circovirus), Eperythrozoon, Haemophilus parasuis, Pox viruses, Rabies and Streptococcus and Gill-rot diseases, Shrimp redbody diseases of aquiculture.

Dosage & Administration:
Foot and Mouth Disease, Pododermatitis, Interdigital necrobacillosis: 8 ml/litre of water for footbath Disinfection of poultry houses, sheep folds, stables, equipments, vehicles, foot and wheel dipping basins: 7 ml/litre of water for washing and fogging. Routine disinfection: 3.5 ml/litre of water for fogging Trichophytosis: 8 ml/litre of water for direct application to the lesions and washing of the contaminated barns.
Brucellosis, pox viruses, rabies, tetanus and other bacterial and viral diseases: 7 ml/litre of water for washing of animal barns and equipments for fogging. Newcastle disease, Avian influenza: 12.5 ml/litre of water for washing of poultry houses and fogging Mycoplasma spp.: 33.5 ml/litre of water for fogging should be repeated with 6 or 12 days intervals when the infection exist Mammary antisepsis: 4 ml/litre for dipping Hatching egg: 1 ml/2 litre of water for immerse or cleanse Drinking disinfection (Enteric Infection Area): 1 ml/6-8 litre of water for drinking directly Fish egg disinfection in hatchery : 2-3 ml/ litre water (keep 10 minute dipping in water ) Fish & Shrimp culture pond: 1- 1.5 litre/acre at 1 meter water depth. Antiseptic skin cleanser: Apply full strength. For prevention: Daily fogging air disinfection of closed barns and houses: 1 ml/50ml-1000 ml diluted solution for 1000 cubic meter air.

100 ml & 1 L HDPE Bottle

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